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It is a variety of cabbage originated in southern Italy.
He was selected by the Romans from the wild cabbage .
They liked him a lot, and Italian cuisine uses a lot. It was introduced in France by Catherine de Medici .
It is picked before hatching its yellow flowers. For the kitchen , broccoli should have fine grains , firm and tight heads, very green .
We consume the flowers in bud , and the still tender stems.
Can sauté in a wok with chopped carrots julienne way .
Dutch white cabbage or cabbage
Dutch cabbage called at much denser apples and pale green smooth leaves . It is white on the inside . It is found in winter. Cabbages are usually boiled or cooked in salads. It is ideal to incorporate into a soup or stew comforting . Associated gratin with bacon . Its large leaves can be used as a purse for a farce.
Head cabbage or cabbage or cabbage Milan
Head cabbage or cabbage or cabbage Milan is a variety of cabbage characterized by a head and a curly leaves , forming a rosette leaves. Savoy cabbage makes many recipes such as stew , the famous cabbage soup and stew .
You can also stuff it or simply sauté chopped leaves to the pan.
Our cabbage-likes
There are many varieties of cauliflower . It is found most often white. It can also be yellow, green or purple.
We are used to sample the cooked cauliflower, and it is true that cooking (boiling water , steamed , stir-fried) makes it soft and softens its taste. Then it is used as an accompaniment (gratin of cauliflower, are a safe bet , as are the mashed cauliflower and potatoes) , or entrance, in a velvety or soup .
Red cabbage
Red cabbage is a variety of purple cabbage and becomes blue when cooked . To keep her beautiful purple dress, you must cook with vinegar or with fruit -acid juice.
Romanesco broccoli or apples
It is a variety of cauliflower from Italy and specifically in Rome. It is also called " broccoli apple" . Its flavor is much thinner than the cauliflower florets and pointy are lovely . Romanesco is much more delicate than cauliflower .