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White Jerusalem artichoke


Jerusalem artichoke, is a former vegetable that deserves to be rehabilitated for its taste values ​​, nutritious and ornamental . The tuber has a delicate flavor of artichoke and is interesting for its richness in vitamins A, C and PP . This kitchen easily, such as the potato , mashed , baked, sautéed , fried ... . Jerusalem artichoke plant of the sunflower family . He inherited the decorative qualities and offers a beautiful yellow flowers in summer , the flowers resemble large daisies. The consumed part is elongated and misshapen tubers to cream flesh color, the size of a potato.

Pink Jerusalem artichoke


Jerusalem artichoke, is a former vegetable that deserves to be rehabilitated for its taste values ​​, nutritious and ornamental . The tuber has a delicate flavor of artichoke (a small can prononsé less than white ) and is interesting for its richness in vitamins A, C , PP . This kitchen easily, such as the potato , mashed , baked, sautéed , fried ... . Jerusalem artichoke plant of the sunflower family . He inherited the decorative qualities especially for its beautiful yellow flowers in summer , the flowers resemble large yellow daisies . The part consumed is the rum tuber pink and pink flesh , the size of a potato .

Our Jerusalem artichoke
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