Notre potager
culture traditionnelle
photographies non contractuelles

Big yellow squash from Paris
Variety with very large yellow peel fruits. Yellow flesh , thick and sweet.

Red Kwi Squash
Vigorous variety produces medium sized fruits. Skin smooth brick red . Dark yellow flesh taste of chestnut .
Our cucurbita maxima

It is a green pumpkin Hokkaido less sweet than the orange pumpkin. Its aftertaste chestnut ravirra your taste buds.
Imported Cambodia , it is also grown in New Caledonia (where it is called Squash ) they import to Japan because the Japanese are fond .
Cooked Spaghetti Squash
the best known are from South America. The interior is filled with filaments evoking spaghetti.

Turban Squash
It is called the sweetness of the Caribbean, it is also called turban pumpkin or Turk's Head Knot because of its shape. Firm and sweet , in traditional Caribbean cuisine , accompanied by pumpkin soup the meals family celebrations , and Haiti , it is served for dinner New Year which is also the feast of Haitian independence .