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Thai chilies ( lantern )

Thai chili pepper is native to South America that has been imported to Asia by Portuguese sailors .

He is strong as it is 7 out of 10 on the Scoville scale .

In Thailand, it is mainly used in cooking and fresh as dry for preparing soups. It is essential to spice Thai cuisine !




Pepper black " Bellania "

You will be surprised by its very dark purple black limit, but its flesh and its taste resembles that of green pepper , though it remains more digestible than the latter.

They will be perfect for your cruditées trays and your toppings

red pepper and green

Native to South and Central America, cultivated as vegetable for its fruits eaten raw or cooked as vegetables.

The green pepper is not different from the red pepper, it is only a pepper that was harvested before maturity.

     Our peppers and chilis

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